Our Bishop and Ministers

From Left to RightRev. Hirosato Yoshida, Bishop Shugen Komagata, Rev. Masataka Hoshino

From Left to Right

Rev. Hirosato Yoshida, Bishop Shugen Komagata, Rev. Masataka Hoshino


Aloha and welcome to Soto Mission of Hawaii.

We are the Ministers of the temple.

Please feel free to stop by at any time and we will be more than happy to assist you. (All of us love some coffee break!)

Shakyamuni Buddha is said to have 84,000 different teachings for reaching Enlightenment.

We believe that the true meaning of this is that he listened to each and every one of us to find an answer that best fits our needs.

He knew that everyone is different and we all experience differently. An answer that worked for someone may not work for the next. We keep this as a reminder to help everyone who comes here find an answer that is unique to one's needs.